Happy New Year

I’m hoping everyone has had a Merry Christmas and feels recharged and excited about the start of a whole new decade! However, we won’t all be feeling this way especially in the dull, dark January nights.
I’ve come to realise that Christmas and New Year can be a sad or thoughtful time for many of us, it can be full of memories that are joyful or sad or a mix of the two but will forever remain as memories of times past. I think for most of us as adults it is a mix of the two.
It is a time to remember childhood traditions some we no longer keep or to remember people we have loved who are no longer with us in person. It can be a reflective time as these memories are stirred and maybe we just have to sit with them for a while. However, the reality is that life goes on and although our memories are to be treasured we must be careful to make new ones. Allow the people no longer with us to remain alive in you when you carry out traditions that they made with you. Then honour their memory by living your best life.
So Happy New Year to you all; enjoy making plans to live your best life. It won’t always be easy but nothing worthwhile ever was. I wish you all you wish for yourself… health, wealth and happiness but most of all health.